
Woman love Red Wolf

Reason: love my wife more than yourself

This man must have. Gray Wolf caught sheep at a time can own completely eaten, but he is not, is always hard to take the Lamb were sent to the front of his wife. Men always put his wife in the first place, this is the prerequisite for married his

Reason two: the love suffer involvement of labor

While Gray Wolf went out to grab wives sheep to eat every day very hard, but he still insisted on doing household chores, washing clothes and cleaning, live without his wife to meddle in.

Reason three: Smart capable perseverance

Each time you grasp the idea was that he wanted to come out of the sheep. While the sheep were eventually ran away from the pot, can arrange this is drama! Each failed, gray wolf with the audience shouted a sentence: I will come back! look, much perseverance. Man your quality.

Reason four: ability strong

Gray Wolf love to get some invention, if the gray wolf in life, must be a hands-on abilities of men. Fused in the House, he repaired. Toilet blockage, he passes. This man is free from worry and money, better.

Reason five: for wives to spend not distressed

Woman love Red Wolf would like to use ten sheep for tiger-skin coat, for Gray Wolf, although this is a difficult task, but his eyes not blinking agreed. This man was so moving, you find men willing to spend money.

Reason six: balm not be loyal to one ' s spouse until his death

In today's era of small three flooded, Gray Wolf was so worth learning and recognition of this spirit. Although rarely resist the little white Fox ogle presented courtesy for others, but calls will obediently go home with a wife. This excellent as long as not a man of principle, forgive him would be nice

Reason seven: never steal Tibet secretly stashaway

Bad man money. Gray Wolf catches the sheep not only Tibet left a wife, this spirit is commendable!

Reason eight: wife and not discuss right and wrong

Wife wrong is right, Red Wolf stand by% 3C% 3E Word, this woman has dignity, too to their female compatriots have long face!

Reason: personally Cook no complaint

When no sheep, Gray Wolf be afraid of hungry wives, cooking for his wife to Cook yourself, without complaint!

Reason: be tried coaxing his wife

His wife was unhappy, Gray Wolf tried her happy. And it is not punishment, don't answer back that type of words without worrying about the occurrence of domestic violence.
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Another report

Another report:

Take pride in washing dishes after a meal, to the shame of not doing housework

Proud to go home on time, to the shame of not owned through the night

Take pride in harmony, to make things difficult for others to shame

Take pride in taking care of children, ashamed of lying to play

Take pride in listening to his wife, to command the shame of wife

Take pride in their gentle, to the shame of unreasonable

Take pride in their careful planning, to the shame of extravagance and waste

Proud to strive for ambitious, ashamed of idleness

Note: no personal attacks, or at your own risk, and who wish to apply please go to: No. 575712487 Advisory details.
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How much do you love me

 "How much do you love me? ”

"As much as a dime. ”

"So what? ”

"A dime is not ' very '? ”
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Russia was a bomb threat to a university emergency evacuation of 5,000 people

According to foreign reports, local time, March 9, Pol Krai Russian Federation  received a university anonymous bomb warning, police evacuated 5,000 people this.

Local emergency response departments, a city spokesman said that after a bomb threat, Stavropol State University in 5000 people were evacuated from the building, the police carefully searched the entire building. Close to the University Registry staff have been evacuated.

It is reported that the bomb threat information is posted on the university website out. After investigation, the person issuing the threat information used by the server outside.

According to reports, recently, Russia received a large number of anonymous warnings about terrorist attacks, but these warnings are usually false, cause a lot of "hoax bomb" storm. Reports that in Russia, according to regulations, the officers falsely claimed that a bomb investigation, will be sentenced to 3 years in prison.

In addition, the same day in Moscow, a bus station on the street exploded, but fortunately no casualties.

Local 9, about 16:30, an unidentified explosives in a bus station in Moscow Michurin Avenue explosion caused no casualties, the car parked near the station by a slight degree of damage.

Moscow law enforcement agencies to sources, is installed in the vicinity of the Russian Security Administration building and other buildings on the University of the camera may be captured by the second explosion, the camera will be resumed.

The source said: "This does not rule out a bomb thrown at the station range of people into the possibility of surveillance cameras." He believes that this may be the criminals or to security for the demonstrators.chinese furniture
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Instead of the world, the same faith

Instead of the world, the same faith

Customary phone from his pocket somewhere near the school received from an unknown alien messages. Pumping light and then look at the mouth, contempt or inadvertently understand the hearts of enough words to describe the strange Jisi roam the meantime.
Fonts in the dark dark space bleak stop breathing, not knowing the wind this winter because I felt some inexplicable depression, or my own away from their close of this bleak reality. Like the cool people's dreams, pale screen fonts that look more dark black, black was some hysteria. Then, the glances, indifferent ... ... that is issued under the yellow light colorful rendering a bit in the maverick world. Finally, the test was unable to bear life, way to come down the moment, and anxious to a million years. Yellow leaves from the Na Liangpian monotonous background through the monotony, the remains will be unable to look up the head and left side faces of the arc, blinking in the sunlight. Incidentally Shao Shang hope this winter. However, when the two pieces when the yellow leaves lose their luster once the branches, I did not bother to search. Clear, life will slowly get the cold one, first one finger, then one arm, and then spread throughout the life.
Always trying to tiptoe to get high-level air fragrant, very hard, and throbbing toe, toe to enlarge frivolous and unknown pain, constantly extending from the soles of the feet, lower eyelid tenderness gradually dim the eye, like a sunny day facing the sun, the white skin is always rendered with a kind of impulse to want intimacy, like the rebellious boy, rebellious exterior life always has a hot heart. Yin opened like the mouth, and then continue to wash it down the arc of pale lips and teeth color, like the mouth constantly impacted by a steel-like hearty sonorous, powerful, like the colors of the canvas under the scrub shoes, like the breeze in vain black side of the forehead hairline, like ... ...
Like too much, too much, like dead leaves too much nostalgia and not the branches, like tea and coffee, but never dull colors. Like the clean white but never lost the love of beautiful colorful. Like the black hair line, but they is not ... ...
Still, dragging the heavy body, cumbersome swinging in fixed locations. Yellow hair and beat again hide single fold head flashing, just gently smiled, trying not to wake the pain of the left atrium. Then repeated for each cell mobilization, the fastest speed he showed in contempt, the passing in the end ... ... which he said: "I or me?" I said: "You foolish?" I'm still me, I me?
Liuniansishui era, the haze of static, if at the child and the cold front hovering in the air constantly, stop. Always, drooping eyelids, still a child, winter took away the life of the summer. I remember the words of a Mentor, "a loss can be, but a loss in the forward to" occasionally, looking back. Not clear which of the surging river does not import the calm sea. The end of life also accompanied the baptism of pain. Another way of life, you have just a piece of paper ... ...

You left, I packed in your heart

You left, I packed in your heart

Last night, I woke up from a nightmare! Dream, I saw my mother lying in bed in pain, has been rubbing his hands high uplift of the stomach, the pain that hurts. And I, in addition to gently help her mother outside the stomach, could do was cry.
January 4 is the mother's birthday. 2007, this time, my body discomfort, anxious to take care of my mother, I feel the warmth of winter. I did not think that in just six months later, the mother passed away, left me alone to throw in the wilderness without direction.
From a very young age, I was very afraid of losing their own. This may be due to the vast northeast region, to the childhood I always create a feeling of disorientation; also may be because after my first day of school, could not find his way home; they may be particularly low relative always feel that no one except my mother ... ... the kind of despair can be trusted to find the sun, and cried, feeling the direction of recognition; that does not help to stand still not moving, waiting for mom to pick the feeling; that when things come, first reaction is, and my mother nagging about the feeling, deeply engraved in my bone marrow.
Her mother suddenly left, which I was heartbroken! For a long time, I can not mention the "dead" word, and now still can not accept this on behalf of the white color of mourning, I do not see her mother's portrait, a look that face the tears.
These days, with the mother birthday approached, my emotions more and more irritable. I can not describe the more love the more we can not face the kind of frustration, then, has been to escape. After New Year's Day, Dad, and Third Sister and nephew came to me, the portrait of my mother's possession prior to the bedside drawer, so Dad Duwusiren. Do not want to go shopping me and Third Sister when the mischievous portrait of mother and daughter will turn out, but also asked his father: "My grandfather would like to grandma it? I can think of the grandmother." Wild child the father made the old vertical and horizontal tears, and so we returned, his eyes red and swollen my father told us: "Your mother birthday is coming, we must remember and pay his respects to your mother." Third Sister and I promised my father side, side to console him. But in fact, I did not pay his respects!
Not forget, but did not dare to face!
After her mother's portrait every day, I casually glanced at a glance, can not stop from the face. Because it squarely on the mother of all those things would be clear in the eyes! Memory of the beautiful colorful dress, delicious fragrance still in the various dishes, seasonal green and graceful old yard warm and comfortable ... ... and whether I did right or wrong, good times or bad, happy or sad, that so I can always be forgiven words, you can always embrace spoiled, you can always rely on time care and regards. All this makes me deeply regret that, unfortunately, not been able to appreciate her mother more from my mother's happiness and